Sakura Foundation
Japanese language courses in Warsaw
Kursy języka japońskiego dla młodzieży i dorosłych. U nas uczą tylko native speakerzy!
🌸新しいネイティブスピーカーの先生を募集しています🌸 一緒にSakuraで日本語を教えませんか?
In Sakura, all the teachers are native speakers and classes are conducted mainly using the direct method, which means you learn Japanese in Japanese. Our teaching materials are also based on listening to dialogues pronounced by native Japanese speakers.
Groups have a different teacher for each subsequent lesson. A total of up to 3 Japanese teachers are assigned to each group. Japanese language courses are intended for all those interested in learning the language, regardless of age.
A trimester of a basic Japanese course consists of 12 meetings (e.g. 12 Mondays, 12 Tuesdays etc.). One meeting is 2 lessons of 45 minutes duration. A trimester of an intensive Japanese course for beginners consists of 24 meetings per trimester (e.g. 12 Mondays and 12 Wednesdays or 12 Tuesdays and 12 Thursdays etc.).
The school year is divided into 3 terms: autumn term (October/November/December), winter term (January/February/March and spring term (April/May/June). After completing the 3 trimesters, the student can, on request, receive a certificate of completion at A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2 level, according to the Japan Foundation syllabus.

SCHOOL YEAR 2024-2025
Check what Japanese language courses we currently offer. Below you will find a description of each course. You don’t know which course to choose? Send us an email:
Basic Japanese for beginners (level A1) is the most frequently chosen course by our students. The course consists of 12 meetings in a trimester (1 meeting = 2 lessons of 45 minutes), after the completion of which the student may continue the course in the following trimester or cancel it.
Beginners A1
Basic course- In-person course
- For beginners
- 12 meetings (24 lessons) / 3 months
Please check the page: Polish) to find out what basic courses for beginners are currently available.
In the school year 2024-2025, a participant of the Japanese language course can pay: once per trimester (816 PLN), in advance for 2 trimesters (1 632 PLN) or for 3 trimesters (2 448 PLN). It is also possible to pay for the course monthly (288 PLN).
Marugoto A1. Price 80 zł. The student is obliged to have the textbook during the classes. The Marugoto textbook can be purchased at the school before the classes. Find out more:
Basic Japanese for advanced learners (level A2-C2) .The course consists of 12 meetings in a trimester (1 meeting = 2 lessons of 45 minutes), after the completion of which the student may continue the course in the following trimester or cancel it.
Advanced A2-C2
Basic course- In-person course
- For advanced students
- 12 meetings (24 lessons) / 3 months
If you have already studied Japanese, you can start the course at any time by joining an existing class. The language proficiency test with one of our Japanese teachers is compulsory.
In the school year 2024-2025, a participant of the Japanese language course can pay: once per trimester (816 PLN), in advance for 2 trimesters (1 632 PLN) or for 3 trimesters (2 448 PLN). It is also possible to pay for the course monthly (288 PLN).
Marugoto A1/A2. Price 80 zł. The student is obliged to have the textbook during the classes. The Marugoto textbook can be purchased at the school before the classes. Find out more:
12 meetings (24 lessons) in trimester - online course
Beginners A1
Basic course- Online course
- For beginners
- 12 meetings (24 lessons) / 3 months
Please check the page: (in Polish) to find out what basic courses online for beginners are currently available.
In the school year 2024-2025, a participant of the Japanese language course can pay: once per trimester (816 PLN), in advance for 2 trimesters (1 632 PLN) or for 3 trimesters (2 448 PLN). It is also possible to pay for the course monthly (288 PLN).
Marugoto A1. Price 80 zł. The student is obliged to have the textbook during the classes. The Marugoto textbook can be purchased at the school before the classes. Find out more:
12 meetings (24 lessons) in trimester - online course
Basic Japanese for advanced learners (level A2-B2). The course consists of 12 meetings in a trimester (1 meeting = 2 lessons of 45 minutes), after the completion of which the student may continue the course in the following trimester or cancel it.
Advanced A2-C2
Basic course- In-person course
- For advanced students
- 12 meetings (24 lessons) / 3 months
In the school year 2024-2025, a participant of the Japanese language course can pay: once per trimester (816 PLN), in advance for 2 trimesters (1 632 PLN) or for 3 trimesters (2 448 PLN). It is also possible to pay for the course monthly (288 PLN).
Marugoto A1. Price 80 zł. The student is obliged to have the textbook during the classes. The Marugoto textbook can be purchased at the school before the classes. Find out more:
Intensive Japanese for beginners (level A1). The course consists of 24 meetings (48lessons) in a trimester (1 meeting = 2 lessons of 45 minutes), after the completion of which the student may continue the course in the following trimester or cancel it.
Beginners A1
INTENSIVE COURSE- In-person course
- For beginners
- 24 meetings (48 lessons) / 3 months
In the school year 2024-2025, a participant of the Japanese language course can pay: once per trimester (1 536 PLN), in advance for 2 trimesters (3 072 PLN) or for 3 trimesters (4 608 PLN). It is also possible to pay for the course monthly (544 PLN).
Marugoto A1. Price 80 zł. The student is obliged to have the textbook during the classes. The Marugoto textbook can be purchased at the school before the classes. Find out more:
Intensive Japanese for beginners (level A1). The course consists of 24 meetings (48lessons) in a trimester (1 meeting = 2 lessons of 45 minutes), after the completion of which the student may continue the course in the following trimester or cancel it.
Advanced A2-C2
INTENSIVE COURSE- In-person course
- For advanced students
- 24 meetings (48 lessons) / 3 months
If you have already studied Japanese, you can start the course at any time by joining an existing class. The language proficiency test with one of our Japanese teachers is compulsory.
In the school year 2024-2025, a participant of the Japanese language course can pay: once per trimester (1 536 PLN), in advance for 2 trimesters (3 072 PLN) or for 3 trimesters (4 608 PLN). It is also possible to pay for the course monthly (544 PLN).
Marugoto A1. Price 80 zł. The student is obliged to have the textbook during the classes. The Marugoto textbook can be purchased at the school before the classes. Find out more:
Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture
JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) / jap. Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken – Japanese language certification for foreigners, introduced in 1984 and administered by The Ministry Of Education Of Japan:
There are 5 levels of proficiency in Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken (JLPt). From the lowest 5 to the highest 1. Exams for Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken certificate In Poland are conducted at The Polish-Japanese Institute Of Information Technology (Polsko-Japońska Wyższa Szkoła Technik Komputerowych).
Information about taking the exam in Poland can be found on PJWSTK website:
The next exam will be held on the 3rd December 2023.
The Foundation’s partner in Japan is the KAI school in Tokyo. In cooperation with KAI, we organise summer Japanese language courses in Japan. During their stay in Tokyo, students live with Japanese families, learn the Japanese language every day and visit Japan at the weekends.
If you plan to go to Japan for a longer period of time, to study or to work, you should enrol on a long-term course at the KAI school. This course will enable you to learn the Japanese language quickly and at the same time, thanks to your student visa, you will be able to work in Japan.
Unfortunately due to the prolonged closure of borders by Japan to foreigners, courses in Japan are currently suspended. We will provide more information soon.
Foundation for the Promotion of Japanese Culture SAKURA
The school is located in the center of Warsaw, near the ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKA metro station.
When arriving by metro (M1 line), go to the exit PRÓŻNA / BAGNO street. Turn right, walk a few steps and turn into PRÓŻNA Street. You will find the school in the building on the right.
We're open from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. from Monday to Thursday. On Saturdays from 10am to 1pm. The Foundation is closed on Fridays.
(+48) 22 826 54 54 (landline), 506 180 400 (mobile). Enrollment, fees, general inquiries.